Monday, March 28, 2005
Having a dance blog has always been my wish but I've always been hoping someone has the initiative to create it. Thanks so much, kel! You rock, the dance society rocks too. Well, it's the reason why I am still in SAJC. I can't wait for S.A.X on Thursday to be over. Then again, we can take part in the finale. Hopefully there'll be another one. (: SYF and Danceworks is draining! But we all can do it, don't you think so? Gold with honors, here we come. 1st, 2nd, 3rd for Danceworks. Yes? For now, results shitty time. Dread it.
6:37 PM
Sunday, March 27, 2005
hello people! for those who can see this and dont know how to contribute entries, please give me your email addresses, i'll send a blogger invitation to you. just click on it, then either log in [if u have a blogger account], or signup [if u dun have a blogger account].
if you experience the same shit that yijun has, eg, opening blogger and to your horror it's ALL IN CHINESE on internet explorer, then please go to Tools, then Internet Options, click on Languages on the popup page. you will see a white box, with one item on it, sth like Chinese blahblah. click Add, find English (united states),
click on that. make sure now, ur white box has English (US) on the list,
ABOVE the chinese item. click refresh, it should appear in english now.
okay, that's all for todays. have fun exploring your profile settings, blogging, the colour shit and stuff.. any questions, please ask me! i'll try my best to help you out. when you post an entry, ur name will come out! just set it under Profile Settings in your Dashboard.
while im here. while im trying to tie up loose ends on this blog.. let me proclaim:
the credit of the creation of this blog goes to our wonderful doryass president, schmellywellynelly!! -applause-
ok. yay. syf. danceworks.sax. whoopppeeee.
12:56 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
sorry for being a little extra considering im not even in sa dance anymore. but i just want to remind everyone of my glorious prescence even tho im a few thousand miles away. and anyways, once a saint, always a saint right? haha. :D i hope know you all miss me. i hope you guys are having fun with syf. with all the stressful straineous killer training. sounds like heaven. just kiddin. anyway it looks like u guys have been doing a great job. i'm prouda you all!! work hard and you're all gonna get your gold with honours i'm sure! say hi to zaki for me aye. anyway i'm having fun with all this font colour changing thing as u can tell. i havent actually used blogspot before. so forgive me. hurhur.alrighty, i'll stop polluting this place. haha i love you all loads!! -lotsa love hugs and kisses *mwa!!*yiqing-ps. i was just listening to yeah by usher. sigh brings back memories.
6:20 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
hey! :] i cordially invite you all to post wonderful entries on our dance weblog. :] i shall tell you guys e pswrd and shit in sch :] feel free to rant rave and tell me you love me here. :] heheh. ANYWAYS, people. i just wanted to say- Kallang reahearsal was really tiring and stuff, but i'm so prouda you guys. e juniors- thanks for e food, and good job on e clean ups! it's significantly better :] and i know you guys are still trg, just saw you guys today. keep it up k! :] j2s! i know we suffered cramps, aches, pains, like 90+ grannies, but we persevered, didnt we! really prouda everyone. seriously. what i saw there was a troupe o dancers. people who want to dance- and who show it. :] j2s, i know we're all freaked by bt1, we're tired.. but persevere, the end's coming. nothing's ever too hard to take! i know, easy to say.. but i try to pract it! and e sooner you make yourself feel better, e better things'll be :] press on people, our SYF is looking good, our steps just need 1423654659 yrs of cleaning up, haha. i'm joking. but seriously, e structure is there, we look like gorgeous ppl! hahaha wth. e steps + expression + stage presence. gold w honours, here we come. watch out [insert all e names o e jcs here]! okay. prayer time. Dear God, please bless the whole of the SAJC Dance Society. keep us from harm, keep us safe, Lord, as we go thru our ridiculous tiring trg sessions together. bond us as a team, Lord, not only as individuals or cliques, but as a collective whole. bond us thru e sweat, tears, blood, blisters. keep e team free from anger/animosity, things that divide a team and bring it down. i also ask for your blessing on Zaki, keep him from being stressed!Lord, you know what we want- but nevertheless, let YOUR will be done, Lord, not ours. [altho a gold w honours would be very very very very very very welcome.] let us be able to walk away from each trg, and eventually e competition, knowing that we gave it our best and more. let us dance to glorify not ourselves, not the school, but YOU, Lord. For all this i humbly pray [and plead. and beg]. Amen. guys! remember to enjoy yourselves when you dance. when you smile from e heart/soul, no one's gonna question if you're being fake. :] o one more thing. can someone please change the layout into something funkier? this sucks. thankyou. :]Kel-* <-- ooh what a pretty bimbotic colour!
10:01 PM